Thursday, June 26, 2008


July 12, 2008

That's the date that Evidence will make his public debut in his new habitat at Noah's Ark. This beautiful baby boy has been recuperating at Noah's Ark and is finally well enough to come out and thank you for making his recovery possible.

On Saturday, July 12 at Noon, Evidence will be moved to his new habitat, near the ostriches. He'll spend his days grazing and saying hello to all of his new friends.

The story of this baby zebra has been a remarkable one - one that found it's way across the nation and beyond.

Evidence's story will be available in an illustrated children's book for the very first time at the July 12 event, as well as some other souvenir items that have been made possible through donated materials.

We invite you to come out and help us celebrate this happy ending to what could have been a tragic story. The little lost zebra who was severely injured - is now a happy, feisty part of the Noah's Ark family just waiting to say "Hello and thank you!"

Thanks for sharing this DaveKay

So if anyone just happens to be in the area, go enjoy and send pictures LOL

For directions to Noah's Ark, please see our website at

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