Friday, June 13, 2008


Good Evening!

It's been a while since I posted anything, so I thought I'd send along some of my recent favorites. First, there are some "up close & personal" shots of the Mapogo male that Pieter refers to as "Shaka" - he's the one that has the stare that goes right through you! Then, I've included several shots of some spotted hyena that were taking a lunch break ( probably part of the leopard's latest kill. ). I've finished up with some shots of two young ellie bulls who were sparring for fresh water at the Gowrie Pan. A third bull was taking advantage of their preoccupation with tussling by calmly drinking from the spring that feeds the Pan. Last, but certainly not least is the obligatory beautiful Djuma sunset...

Enjoy! ~ DaveKay

Images courtesy of (Drive cam) and DaveKay


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