Friday, June 13, 2008


Evidence at Home...

It seems some things can happen only at Noah's Ark. Evidence the baby zebra has settled nicely into his new home - and has shattered all of the zebra stereotypes. Zebras as a whole are known as the "bad boys" of the equine family with a tough, no nonsense, "pounce first, ask questions later" temperament. Evidence, while biting and kicking just enough to keep up his reputation, has made friends with two of the family cats! Their rubbing on his legs, as cats do, has made it easier for his caregivers to get him used to having his feet and legs handled.

Evidence has not yet moved to his new public habitat, but it's in the works. The habitat is under construction, and once his catheter is removed this month, plans are to bring him out for his "public debut" sometime in July. He'll hang out with his public during open hours, then return to his very own "zebra barn," donated by a generous donor, for the night.

Other donors have made it possible for us to publish an illustrated children's book about Evidence's plight. We'll send you an update when it's ready!
Info courtesy of and DaveKay

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